Pieter Nota : « Alpina, une marque de prestige depuis plus de 50 ans ». L’avenir à long terme de la marque ALPINA est assuré. Andreas Bovensiepen : « Cela marque le début d’un nouveau chapitre pour ALPINA et BOVENSIEPEN ». L’accord de coopération existant expire fin 2025. Nouvelle direction sur le site de Buchloe.


Munich. The BMW Group welcomes a new addition to its portfolio, as the ALPINA brand becomes part of the company. The BMW Group will secure the rights to the ALPINA brand – bringing even greater diversity to its own luxury-car range. BMW AG and ALPINA Burkard Bovensiepen GmbH + Co. KG have reached an agreement to this effect that will secure the long-term future of the ALPINA brand as well as the Burkard Bovensiepen GmbH und Co. KG.


The conclusion of the transaction is still subject to various suspensive conditions – in particular, approval by the responsible antitrust authorities. The long-standing cooperation agreement, which was extended for another five years in late 2020, will expire on 31 Dec. 2025. Both parties have agreed not to disclose any financial details. No shares in the company will be acquired.